BADLAND (2019) Trailer

Badlandisa2019AmericanWesternfilmsetmorethanadecadeaftertheAmericanCivilWar.WrittenanddirectedbyJustinLee,itdepictsaPinkerton ...,MásdeunadécadadespuésdelaGuerra,lanacióntratadereconstruirse.EldetectiveMatthiasBreecherescontratadoporunsenadorpara...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Badland (2019 film)

Badland is a 2019 American Western film set more than a decade after the American Civil War. Written and directed by Justin Lee, it depicts a Pinkerton ...

Badland (2019)

Más de una década después de la Guerra, la nación trata de reconstruirse. El detective Matthias Breecher es contratado por un senador para localizar a los ...

'Badland' Review

2019年10月31日 — Justin Lee's indie Western should satisfy genre enthusiasts with a strong cast and an entertaining spin on a familiar story.

Badland (2019)

Detective Matthias Breecher is hired to track down the worst of the Confederate war criminals. As he roams the Old West seeking justice, his resolve is tested ...


Gunslinging detective Matthias Breecher is hired by one of the first African American senators to track down the worst of the Confederate war criminals.


Badlandisa2019AmericanWesternfilmsetmorethanadecadeaftertheAmericanCivilWar.WrittenanddirectedbyJustinLee,itdepictsaPinkerton ...,MásdeunadécadadespuésdelaGuerra,lanacióntratadereconstruirse.EldetectiveMatthiasBreecherescontratadoporunsenadorparalocalizaralos ...,2019年10月31日—JustinLee'sindieWesternshouldsatisfygenreenthusiastswithastrongcastandanentertainingspinonafamiliarstory.,DetectiveMa...
